Investment Promotion Alternatives for BC are analyzed.

Talent is the #1 driver, where executives around the world are focusing on in order to stimulate innovation and prosperity.
Tijuana, Baja California.- More than 80 representatives of business and industry organizations of the city participated in the “Seminario Intensivo de Promoción y Desarrollo Económico", where experts analyzed how to promote investments in the Cali-Baja region.
The event was organized by Economic and Industrial Development of Tijuana (Deitac), chaired by Lic. Carlos Higuera Espiritu, at the facilities of the Business Club of Baja California, where the next step was highlighted, after the Federal Government closed the offices of ProMéxico.
"Since the national strong arm ProMéxico is no longer operating, now it is more up to the states and the agencies to carry out this promotional work, making an inventory of the engineering and development capabilities that exist in the entity," said the Vice President of Promotion of EDC, Gibert Ulloa.
The industrial analyst pointed out that for the promotion work to attract investments, it must be clear that the success stories of companies, as well as promote new capabilities in the industry.
He indicated that there is a recomposition of the interests of the industrial sectors that are developing in the region, in terms of new technologies, which attract the interest of manufacturing products of this nature.
"What we must try is to be a world capital of new generation smart devices. There is an opportunity to participate in engineering and software activities, but you have to go for these projects and promote them" said Gibert Ulloa.
On his behalf, Ossie Díaz, operating director of Grupo Tacna, said that since the disappearance of ProMéxico, for the promotion work, the government should turn to organizations like EDC to support them in their activities to attract investments.
The specialist highlighted that one of the tools in the promotion work is to highlight the geographical location of Baja California, its proximity to the richest state in the United States, as well as the cost of labor.
"We travel around the world attracting investment. We have 40 investments in Baja California with just over 8,500 employees. This year we hope to bring another 6 to 7 investments for 300 million dollars and the generation of 2,500 jobs” he said.
Díaz added that the established companies are the best reference in economic promotion activities, since only last year four companies had expansions that generated 1,500 jobs.
Finally, the executive called on the authorities to improve the regulatory issue, as well as the speeding up of border crossings that in recent days have increased the times from four to 12 hours.